Born in Campobasso, he works and lives in Bologna. He has a degree in Law. As a painter, he exhibited his works on several occasions and also look part in many contests and competitions getting
quite a few prizes and awards. Among the most prestigious we should mentìon: the 8lh National Exhibition of Figurative Arts "Veronica Fadda", Sassari (1974); the Distinction Award "Dio Pan" at
the Palazzo dei Congressi in Florence (1980); the "Spiga d'Oro" ("Golden Ear"), Cultural Prize, Venice (1982); the Distinction Award "Castello d'Oro" ("Golden Castle"), Ferrara (1983); the
Distinction Award "Thyrus Artistica", Terni (1989). Among the many personal exhibitions, the most important are: at the Art Gallery "L'incontro", the Art Gallery "Delle Moline", the Art Gallery
"Sant'Isaia", in Bologna; besides, the personal exhibition at the "Circolo Sottufficiali" of Bologna and, last but not least, the personal exhibition at the "Circolo Fremano" by appointment of
the Municipality of Larino (CB). Moreover, he exhibited in Caracas, Maracaibo and Valencia (Venezuela, 1980) and in Coburn (Germany,1995). Among the many celebrities who visited his exhibitions
over the past years are: tenore Luciano Pavarotti and Pietro Ballo, musicians Augusto Martelli and Paolo Zavallone, Mariele Ventre (Piccolo Coro dell'Antoniano, Bologna), baritone Garbis
Boyadjian, paìnters Norma Mascellani, Ilario Rossi and Luciano Rubini. Some of his works are owned by and exhibited in private collections as well as national museums. Articles and reviews on his
works appeared in several national and foreign papers and magazines, such as, among others: Il Messaggero, Il Corriere della Sera, II Resto del Carlino, Libera Stampa di Lugano, Molise Oggi, La
Ribalta, Pan Arte, Primi Piani, La Vernice, Paese Sera, Il Ponte, Il Radio Corriere TV. Lots of renowned and influential critics have reviewed his works over the past decades, among others: Prof.
Anna Vittoria Arace D'Amaro, Mauro Donini, Rita Frattolillo, Oriano Tassinari Ciò, Prof. Serenella Gatti, Laura Carli, Camillo Bria, Franco Bea and Gregorio Viglialoro. Pardo Mariani's works can
also be seen and enjoyed in several national and international art catalogues, such as: the Catalogo Nazionale d'Arte Contemporanea (published by Mondatori); the Bolaffi n° 15, the CIDAC, the
Catalogo di Arti Figurative in Emilia Romagna (Catalogue of Figurative Arts in Emilia Romagna).
Mariani also illustrated books Iike: "L'impegno all'umiltà: la vita di Papa Luciani" (Commitment to humbleness: the Ufe of Albino Lucani, Pope John Paul I") and later "Noi, Giovanni Paolo II"
("We, John Paul II") and "La Santità di un umile, vita di San Pio X" ("The holiness of a humble man: life of Saint Pio X"), written by Lucio D'Orazi (judge of the Court of Cassation, the Ilalian
Supreme Court of Justice).
Mariani also gave some of his works to charities such as the "Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie" (the Bologna branch), the "Associazione Italiana contro la sclerosi multipla" and to the
Lions' Club in Anzola dell'Emilia "Laura Bassi", to participate in a fundraiser in favour of the Sant'Orsola Hospital in Bologna.
In 1987 Pardo Mariani received an award also for his poetry during a cultural event organized in Casalecchio di Reno and supported by the "Galleria Montparnasse"
Last, it must be mentioned that he also wrote and published a collectìon of poems entitled "Per ritrovar me stesso" ("Recovering myself), published by "Union Cards" (Bologna) and that three more
of his novels - among which "Io e l'A" ("Me and the A") - are in course of publication.